Besednice Moldavite
- Initiates spiritual awakening and transformation
Lacy and delicate, this is the highest quality and frequency form of Moldavite. It was found in an area the size of a football field in Besednice, Moldovia and was mined out over 10 years ago. When the Meteor fell it bounced off the ground fusing with the unique sand composition to create this delicate form of Moldavite. It fell deep into clay beds which preserved the formations. Often preferred by the Star Children for the higher frequency, many pieces look like images of Angels. It’s sometimes called “Hedgehog” for its beautiful spiky texture. It is very different than regular Moldavite from other areas in the Czech Republic. It is rare, especially in larger pieces. The prices of Besednice Moldavite, as with all Moldavite, is increasing due to demand. Moldavite is a direct connection to our galactic origins.
Discovered by Henri Moissan in 1893, Moisannite was originally found in meteorites and as inclusions in Diamonds. It is the hardest material next to Diamonds, at 9.5 on the Mohs hardness scale with Diamonds are 10. Its chemical composition is very close to Diamonds, containing Silicone and Carbon. This stone is all about personal power, the strength of conviction and endurance. If you want to know the secrets of your own soul, Moissanite is a wonderful stone that will help you discover your unique nature. It activates all the chakras and meridians, intensively stimulating the Rainbow Light Body, your spiritual vehicle. A stone of the Star Children assists in knowing yourself, activating a centring, joyful confidence. It assists in standing up for your beliefs with kindness. Resonating the powerful Rainbow Green Ray, it enhances compassion, love, healing, and wellness.
Besednice Moldavite 2 stone set in Sterling Silver plated in Yellow Gold
2nd stone is Moissanite
Dragon bale
Pendant in setting measures: 60mm L x 30mm W; Moldavite measures:32mm x 30mm
Shown on Italian Braid chain in Sterling Silver plated in Yellow Gold (not included)