Rutilated Quartz-Master Manifester

Rutilated Quartz is an excellent manifesting tool. Wearing this stone allows you to supercharge manifesting as it holds your frequency in the alignment of manifesting. When you are able to do this it becomes a game-changer, we go from feeling helpless and powerless to feeling empowered and assured in what we know is to come. The powerful frequency of a Master Manifester is to feel as if your desired outcomes are already a reality. When you are in this vibration you shift your focus from asking and longing to one of gratitude as your desires have already been delivered. Being in this vibration our state changes so then our entire experience changes. Our state becomes one of receiving and thankfulness.
How to use Rutilated to Turbo Boost Manifesting
Rutile in Quartz is highly programmable and will turbocharge manifesting. To program your stone gaze at the Rutile and state your intention as if it were your reality. See the outcome in your mind’s eye and feel all the emotion you will feel when your intention becomes your reality. The manifesting will be supercharged and quickened by the Rutile Quartz combination. It supercharges the chakras flooding the energy pathways in the body with high-frequency light. Great for people who overwork, its vibration feeds the frequency, building lifeforce while activating healing and wellness. It's known to elevate the mood and ease responsibility.
Varieties of Rutilated Quartz
It is a clear Quartz crystal with filaments or threads of Gold, Silver or Copper colour. Many people think Rutilated Quartz contains actual gold, silver or copper but it is actually Titanium. Titanium is known as the metal of the Galactic Warrior and is excellent for instilling a feeling of empowerment. Known around the world for its power and beauty. The clarity of the Quartz is very important and the high grade needed for Vibrational jewellery is becoming rare and expensive, mined primarily in Brazil.Brookite Rutile Quartz
Titanium Oxide Crystals rarely occur as Rutile in Quartz. The Quartz amplifies the Brookite making it one of the most powerful stones for out-of-body experiences. It activates the entire chakra column turbocharging the 6 and 7th chakras, continuing to activate all the etheric chakras connecting you with the highest realms. This stone has the ability to connect us with inter-dimensional energies and beings. Brookite is an ascension stone that quickens the vibration of the human body, enhancing the activation of our natural gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Aids in connecting with our guides and angels.
Black Tourmaline in Quartz
Black Tourmaline is a popular stone for grounding, but the frequency is very low. It resonates with water vibration, making it a poor choice for most people. Black Tourmaline Rutile in Quartz, the master healing stone, resonates with Storm Element making it harmonized for everyone. Like pressing a karmic reset button, this is an excellent stone for getting back on track. One of the Pillars of Light stones, it offers high protection from negativity and initiates a cleansing process that purifies negative energetic patterns. It carries full-spectrum light that activates all the chakras and cleanses on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Excellent for Light Workers and Healers as it grounds and shields. It is known to transform negative energy released in healing sessions.
Golden Rutilated Quartz

Red Rutilated Quartz
The Red Rutilated resonates with the Ruby Ray, the ray of Archangel Uriel, the greatest of all the Guardian Angels. He is the leader of all Angels of protection, including your guardian Angel.
He rules the mental plane, our thoughts, creativity, judgements, alchemy, and universal consciousness. You can call on him to clear limiting beliefs and patterning that no longer serve.
The Ruby Ray is the ray of creativity, passion, drive, euphoria, fertility and manifesting.
Titanium Rutilated Quartz

Rutilated Quartz is a cornerstone piece and is highly recommended in everyone's Toolkit. Bring in the effortless energy to boost your manifesting with this Gaia gemstone.