Lavender YAG combines the Lavender Ray of the Angelic Realm and the Rainbow Ray of happiness and bliss. The Lavender Ray resonates to Archangel Zakiel, the Angel of Spiritual Development. A stone of Angelic Communication, it activates the third, forth and fifth eye chakras. The fifth eye chakra, called the Angelic chakra, sits at the top of the forehead and is said to give mastery and understanding of your destiny. The Lavender Ray is a pillar of light energy that protects and fills one with the energy of loving kindness and connection with Angels and the divine. The Rainbow Ray resonates to Archangel Raziel, his name means “Secret of God.” He is known as the bridge to the divine and will assist in revealing the secrets and magic of the Universe. The Rainbow Ray also known as the Sevenfold Ray, radiates a continuous spectrum of colour. It is said to be a magical bridge between heaven and earth activating happiness and balance. Call on Archangel Raziel to hone your psychic abilities and assist in understanding divine messages. YAG Garnets are high frequency stones with a unique centering and grounding effect that is achieved by activating the Earth Star Chakra.